Monday, May 29, 2017
Labor Day Weekend 2017
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Cold Trip To Blue Mesa 5-18-17
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Getting ready for 2017 season :D
Gander Mountain was recently bought by Camping World :(. Camping World decided to close all the stores, liquidate all the stock, then reopen 70..? As of now, no store knows if they are in the 70 that will remain open. This makes me sad because there are not a lot of good sportsman stores left in Denver. Bass Pro Shops pretty much ran all the small places out of business, leaving just a few other large competitors. Bass Pro Shop is the worst... So Gander is having a giant sale. Diane and I finally decided to buy a Yeti cooler :D It's so nice, I think I will feel bad the first time it gets dirty :(
Sunday we took the boat out to Chatfield just to make sure everything was good to go. The day started out overcast. After being at the lake for about 2 hours the weather got nasty so we decided to call it a day. The boat did well and I feel it is ready for 2017. Now I just have to get all my fishing and camping gear in order.
Up until 2020 models Lunds came with a plastic fuel tank vent on the port side bow. The vent stuck out about 1/2 inch and was easy to damage...
I often have 4 people in my boat, usually on days when I'm not fishing. Just hanging out on the lake. It's always been a little awkw...
Misc Update
Last few short trips I have hit Geanos reef and Oconto. Geanos reef was a bust. Marked nothing all day, but did see people musky fishing on ...